Membership Application
The Boonsborough Museum of History has been a landmark of Main Street for the past 40 years and is witness to Doug Bast’s lifelong passion for discovering and preserving artifacts from our past. The Museum has delighted and informed thousands of visitors over the years and we are committed to the long-term preservation and exhibition of his fabulous collection.
It is our hope to connect the Museum with individuals like you who may support the museum and its work. Members may serve on advisory panels, special committees, perform various other volunteer services to achieve the Museum’s goals, or just stay in communication with the Museum and its activities.
There is no membership fee at this time, just a willingness to fortify the museum’s contribution to citizens of Boonsboro and the many visitors to our town. Please complete the membership form to become a supporter of the museum and help us ensure its continued operation far into the future.
Thank you for your kind support. Contact us if you have questions or concerns.